Connecting with one another and building a network of community support with our small group + youth ministries.
St. Luke Youth
Spirit Seekers- Youth ages 3 through High School meet Sunday afternoons for bible study, music and games from 3-5:30pm.
St. Luke Youth (SLY)- Youth in grades 6-12 participate in activities like movie nights, summer mission trips and youth gatherings.

HOPE Circle
This group of ladies meets the second Monday of every month for bible study and to discuss community giving projects. The Hope Circle is accepting new attendees and would love to see you at the next meeting.

Loaves + Fishes Ministry: Mobile Cafe
This is a combined ministry of 11 Alexander County churches dedicated to help overcome hunger and food insecurity throughout our community. St. Luke volunteers, supported financially by Thrivent Action Teams and the church ministry spending plan, meet two days a month and prepare over 300 hot meals. These meals are distributed at the Mobile Cafe in downtown Taylorsville (at the old First Methodist Church campus) and in downtown Hiddenite.

Community Benefit Breakfasts
St. Luke has a long history of helping struggling individuals and families in our community with our breakfast fundraiser ministry. As we become aware of a community member in need, we coordinate a community breakfast on a Saturday morning and work diligently, with usually more than 40 volunteers. We never charge for these breakfast meals and only welcome donations. 100% of all donations, minus basic expenses, are provided to support and help those going through difficult times.